GtkParticle simulates some point masses bouncing
around in a 2-D square area. The physics of the collisions is classical
Newtonian mechanics. The particles are defined (in terms of mass, initial
velocity and position) by the user, and may be added and removed as desired.
A particle's colour is indexed to its mass via a dynamically normalized
colour map. As the simulator progresses the instantaneous value of the
2-D pressure is displayed, along with the average energy, total energy
and number of particles.
This is really just an excersice for me to
learn gtk+ and C++ using an application I can relate to. Although I could
see it having an application to highschool or grade school physics courses,
maybe after some more development.
I wrote gtkParticle in C++. This goes against
the gtk developer's philosophy, since C is more portable. However this
was an excersice for me to learn C++, so there you have it. The result
is that where possible and logical I have wrapped things into classes,
but much of the code is C-like since gtk+ is written in C.
Everything is GPL, freely re-distributable.
Any and all comments, suggestions and criticisms
may be directed to
. I will try to answer what I can.